Today we will talk about ways of thinking about programming languages that i hope you find it’s interesting. Since it is relatively informal, feel free to ask questions as we go if you like otherwise you can go and all ask the questions later.
The image here is how actually I’d like to think about programming. Here in the middle I think projected two imaginal is real statical in the programming. It’s the elemence that you think you understand the program and the code and you do that on your computer terminal and you write your code. It’s really separated from the runtime of the program. So you do the best of you can imagining how the application should work. but its all that in your code that it’s really not going to change once it actualy executed. It’s a very static way of doing execution.
Lippman's talk in Jiading
Then you have to work dynamic aspects of the programming. Those little alligators coming all of the program really of the character of the runtime. They go and they use their little movements and they go back to program. And that is more going dynamic aspects of the programming, and more interesting, but also more difficult, because those things are moving around. So you see aspects of code you know runtime and the internet that dynamic and more interesting in a way, and you can interact with the plasticsmatical programing ability to generate code at runtime. but it’s much slower and more challenging to be able to come that way. .NET is trying to do that. Java has the semantic specs in fact.
In c++ we basicaly donging the part that is rejected. that’s the two imagional code. It’s staticaly runs very fast. so the static program doesn’t really look like that exciting is what the runtime machine runs really fast, and they fly the alligators and they think they’d like to get to. but its hard to know how to do that in the time frank. That let us get the result fast enough.
So a lot of more people is trying to do is geting the alligators walking around, and find out what it’s thinking trying to keep them fed and played. But a lot more actually hasn’t be done waiting for you actually run you program is not much you can do about it. So when you see in c++ program really there is nothing you can find out about program when it’s executed. You can find out the machine. You can always break through a c++ program and get access to the registers and memory. But you can’t really get access to the runtime. There is no way of doing that. We invented in c++, the ideas of runtime programming and meta programming and finding out about the code and generating code. That really was feasible. In the late of the last ten years or so, you know .NET and java is in a movement that try to have more dynamic language. But problem is that they runs very slow and nobody is quite sure how to do it.
So in the sense we have transition that you keep just entering into in terms of programing because what we really like to be able to do is to have programs bodyfy and change themselves as the behavoir of the program goes to look more like living things, if you will. And I think it’s where the programming has to move but we don’t quite have to do it fast enough time in order to get the results or something in cooking.
today we will talk about ways of thinking about programming languages that i hope you find it’s interesting.
since it is relatively informal feel free to ask questions as we go if you like otherwise you can go and all ask the
questions later.
the image here is how actually I’d like to think about programming.
here in the middle i think projected two “imagional” is the very statical in the programming
it’s the “elamence” that you think you understand the program and the code and you do that on your computer terminal and
you write your’s really seperated from the runtime of the program. So you do the best of you can imagining how
the application should work. but its all that in your code that it’s really not going to change once it actualy executed.
it’s a very static way of doing execution. then you have to work dynamic aspects of the programming.those little
alligators coming all of the program really of the character of the runtime. they go and they use their little movements
and they go back to program. and that is more going dynamic aspects of the programming,and more interesting. but also
more difficult because those things are moving around. so you see aspects of code you know runtime and the internet that
dynamic and more interesting in a way. and you can interact with the “platismatical” programing ability to generate code
at runtime. but it’s much slower and more challenging to be able to come that way.
.NET is trying to do has the “synmatics specs” in fact.
in c++ we basicaly donging the part that is rejected. that’s the two imagional code.
it’s staticaly runs very fast. so the static program doesn’t really look like that exciting is what the runtime machine
runs really fast and the “fly the alligators” and they think they’d like to get to. but its hard to know how to do that
in the time frank.that let us get the result fast enough.ok.
so a lot of more people is trying to do is geting the alligators walking around. and find out what it’s thinking trying
to keep them fed and played.
but a lot more actually hasn’t be done waiting for you actually run you program is not much you can do about it.
so when you see in c++ program really there is nothing you can find out about program when it’s can find out
the can always break through a c++ program and get access to the registers and memory.
but you can’t really get access to the runtime.there is no way of doing that.
we invented in c++, the ideas of runtime programming and meta programming and finding out about the code and generating
code.that really was “feasible”. in the late of the last ten years or so, you know .NET and java is in a movement that
try to have more dynamic language. but problem is that they runs very slow. and nobody is quite sure how to do it.
so in the sense we have transation that you keep just entering into in terms of programing
because what we really like to be able to do is to have programs bodyfy and change themselves as the behavoir of the
program goes to look more like living things, if you will.
and I think it’s where the programming has to move but we don’t quite have to do it fast enough time
in order to get the results or something in “cookin”.
今天吃饭的时候无意听到旁边桌子的一个老外正和另外4个学生聊天。虽然我没用心听但敏感词还是没避过我的审查系统。。我听到了”so you have bought a free version – almost free”, “linux is already free so they could just use it…”, “so that could be an informal promotion paradigm…”等等等等,当然也少不了”番茄花园”,”中关村”等等。。对了,那个老外讲的是”windows qi”,而不是”seven”,这点也挺有意思的。。
so, point is, 番茄花园被铲平仅仅是MS希望用户停止使用XP罢了。。MS希望推广windows 7,而不是打击山寨。。如果大家在家都用windows的话,当企业、学校、政府、公司等等单位需要你帮他们买一批电脑,你就会给他们买预装Win7的。而不是linux或者苹果。你不会在乎那些“公家的钱”的。当然中国并非没有真心想买正版就是为了正义感和优越感的有钱人或者没钱硬撑面子人,不过很明显这帮人早就被苹果笼络了,MS很明显不会去进攻一个早就被占领的大海中的孤岛。。他们只需要加强自己广阔的领地就可以了。。